Priyanka Chopra has been approached to play the female lead in ‘Zanjeer’ remake. She will step into Jaya Bachchan’s shoes and get into the role of Jaya Bachchan. If Piggy Chops says yes then she will set a hatrick as after ‘Don’ and ‘Agneepath’, this will be her third film to star in an official remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s yesteryears blockbuster. By default, Priyanka has become an obvious choice of the remaking of Big B’s blockbuster.
It is rumored that the actress has been offered an whopping amount of Rs 11 crore. The film will be produced by Prakash Mehra’s son Amit Mehra and Reliance Entertainment. It will go on floor on 13th April at Film City. The film will be directed by Apoorva Lakia.
The angry young man role that Big B has enacted in the film and was applauded for his performance will be played by south star Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan Teja.
Apparently, Priyanka Chopra liked the script and she has given her nod. It is like a challenge for her to reprise the role of talented Jaya Bachchan.
In the original ‘Zanjeer’ Jaya played a street performer but here Priyanka will play a lively NRI cafe owner.
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